
Mostrando entradas de marzo, 2022

I play sports, I eat well and I don't lose weight. What am I doing wrong?

 I play sports, I eat well and I don't lose weight. What am I doing wrong? I do sports, I eat well and I don't lose weight. What am I doing wrong? • Nutritionist Daniel Martínez Pardo and Dr. Helena Palacín, specialist in Sports Medicine at HLA Perpetuo Socorro, tell us about the most common mistakes when losing weight. • The misconception of a good diet, food supplements and false beliefs prevent us from achieving the desired weight loss.  If you are one of those who believes that you eat correctly,  practice sports regularly and do not lose weight, you  should continue reading. According to the HLA  Group nutritionist, Daniel Martínez, "in most cases the  problem lies in a misconception of what a good food  education is, so in the nutrition and dietetics consultation  the correct use of the products such as light foods, low fat,  0.0 or dietary supplements, urging them to undergo dietary  re-education. Supplements focused on athletes must be  studied in each specific cas